North and South American leagues & cups

competition map america argentinien brasilien Peru Mexiko USA Kanada Chile Kolumbien Venezuela Uruguay Ecuador Costa Rica bolivien paraguay guatemala panama Jamaika El Salvador Honduras

North and South American leagues & cups

This overview list all of the North and South American competitions in our database and represents them on a map. For each competition, the table lists the number of participating clubs, the number of players, the average age of all players, the percentage of players on loan from other countries in the respective country and the total market value of all clubs in the competition. By clicking "Forum", you can access the forum for the corresponding country.

CompetitionCountryClubsPlayerAvg. ageForeignersGoals per matchForumTotal value
Colombia824026.911.3 %2.00
Mexico1024525.510.6 %4.08 Forum
Mexico1023326.19.0 %3.00 Forum
Brazil618327.98.2 %2.70
Bolivia824428.124.2 %5.00
Colombia823324.610.7 %3.17
Honduras824226.811.6 %2.00
Guatemala822627.021.2 %2.86
Guatemala822726.820.7 %2.64 Forum
Honduras618827.813.8 %2.70
El Salvador821027.517.1 %2.23 Forum
Uruguay25623.38.9 %2.00
Nicaragua617826.822.5 %2.25 Forum
Brazil39425.51.1 %3.80
Brazil48924.71.1 %2.00
United States1228625.849.0 %6.67 Forum
Brazil1283.63319.41.2 %3.47
Brazil1650727.47.1 %2.33
Brazil825927.411.6 %4.50
Brazil2482127.22.4 %4.41
Brazil724026.42.1 %
Brazil1647027.07.9 %2.20
Brazil823426.712.4 %4.25
Brazil1230726.99.1 %2.61 Forum
Brazil411927.115.1 %1.50